Social Responsibility

Meteorological Service



The air traffic management industry can make a vital contribution to reducing emissions and minimizing the harmful effects of flights on the environment. On the recommendation of international organizations and in close cooperation with them, Sakareonavigatsia shared a global problem by considering the following factors:

• The impact of aircraft emissions on climate change and local air quality;

• The impact of aircraft noise on people living near airports;

• Ground capabilities and operations (fuel storage, fire training, etc.), emissions, etc.;

• Head office activities in the consumption and waste of electricity and resources.


The company has developed an environmental policy and set the following strategic goals for environmental issues:

• Identify and reduce harmful effects on the environment;

• Introduce control rules;

• Define environmental goals for improvement;

• Introduce an environmental management program to achieve environmental goals;

• Check that the environmental activities are really functioning;

• Constantly evaluate environmental activities and express data;

• Plan, manage and act, based on evaluations and data;


To achieve these goals, the company carries out the following activities:

Investing in technology - New technologies make aeronautical services even more efficient, increase airspace capacity and reduce the likelihood of delays.

Flexible airspace - The concept of free routes introduced in the airspace of Georgia envisages direct flights from the point of entry to the point of departure by direct trajectory which is published in the Aeronautical Information Publication of Georgia (AIP), which in turn saves flight time and reduces emissions by 10%.

Eco-friendly work environment – Sakaeronavigatsia has developed green recommendations for procurement, which include the selection of more environmentally friendly products and services. Also, the company moved to digitize work processes and procedures, which significantly reduced paper consumption.

Various eco-activities - Sakaeronavigatsia is involved in various environmental activities. Celebrates Earth Day, is involved in various landscaping projects, etc.

Extraction of statistical data and their processing.