Air Traffic Management

Meteorological Service

Currently, SAKAERONAVIGATSIA employs 135 licensed air traffic controllers who ensure safe, timely and consistent air traffic control  in the Flight Information Region (FIR) of Georgia at all stages of flight. The professional team of ATCOs provide the highest quality aviation services for users of the Georgian airspace and allows them to maintain the scheduled departure and arrival times and the best flight profile with minimal restrictions, without compromising the level of flight safety.

SAKAERONAVIGATSIA manages air traffic using modern technologies in accordance with international standards. A new control system produced by the Spanish company INDRA has been installed in the Tbilisi Air Traffic Control Center. The system of one of the world's leading companies has made the work of air traffic controllers much more efficient and comfortable. The system has double protection, which is triggered in seconds in the event of a problem, and this process is completely invisible to air traffic controllers. The new INDRA system also has third, additional protection, system-independent backup, which completely eliminates work interruptions for any reason.

After the transition to a new control system, the existing two-sector space was replaced by a three-sector space, which significantly increased the capacity of Georgian airspace.

Technological development has allowed SAKAERONAVIGATSIA to introduce the concept of Free Route Airspace in the airspace of Georgia, which means flights from the entry point to the exit point along a straight path. The practical application of the Free Route Airspace concept has significantly increased the capacity factor, helped to keep the number of delayed flights to a minimum and reduce environmental pollution from aviation emissions by 10%.