
Meteorological Service

The Monopulse Secondary Radars (MSSR) equipped with Mode S (Elementary and Enhanced) are mainly used to provide Surveillance service in Tbilisi FIR, for En-Route and aerodrome zones. These radars provide double coverage of the entire Georgian airspace. Primary Radar (PSR) is also used in aerodrome zones.

For today, the Surveillance infrastructure consists of one co-mounted PSR/MSSR and three MSSR stations, which enables the Company to ensure safe flights throughout the Georgian airspace using reliable and accurate surveillance information.

The main direction of the development of Surveillance infrastructure is the implantation of modern technologies such as dependent (ADS-B) and multilateral (WAM/MLAT) Surveillance systems. In order to expand the Surveillance network, Sakaeronavigatsia has installed seven ADS-B stations throughout territory of Georgia. This system significantly improves the level of flight safety and is advisable given the difficult terrain of the territory and regional development of Georgia. Air traffic control becomes more efficient and safer.

Surveillance equipment and services are fully compliant with ICAO and Eurocontrol requirements.

In addition, it should be noted that the company, in close cooperation with the international organization EUROCONTROL, has set an acceptable level of surveillance service and developed a monitoring mechanism.