Operational Management

Meteorological Service

The Operational Management Department, which provides System Monitoring and Control service (SMC), is the most important knot in the Technical Department of Sakaeronavigatsia, which provides full operational coordination between the technical department and all ATC units within “Sakaeronavigatsia”. Also, the OMD department is responsible to manage and control all types of interoperability between all relevant departments.

The OMD ATSEPs perform operational activities, which are responsible for supervising, monitoring, controlling and real-time reporting of technical services that are supported by CNS/ATM systems and/or equipment. They are responsible for the day-to-day operation of all operational systems and equipment within their area of responsibility.

The OMD ATSEPs ensure a quick response to malfunctions or failures by diagnosing the problem, activating fall-back procedures and initiating the repair. The OMD ATSEP coordinates between the operational ATCO supervisor and the operational CNS/ATM ATSEP within the area of responsibility. The OMD also coordinates between those responsible for different areas.